Tag Archives: SandyHookSchool

Christian Group Petitions Against Tarantino Film

23 Dec

A Christian group are arguing that the rating of Quentin Tarantino’s latest movie “Django Unchained” should be now classified as “NC-17”.

Quentin Tarantino's "Django Unchained" under fire

Quentin Tarantino’s “Django Unchained” under fire

The Christian Film and Television Commission are challenging the Motion Picture Association of America, and is petitioning for children under the age of 17 to be restricted from watching it.

On the CFTVC website it says the film is “the most violent movie of the year and is full of  brutality, graphic violence, and crude language.”

Django Unchained, starring Jamie Foxx and Leonardo DiCaprio to name a few has been described by the group as “grotesque” and is currently rated “R”.

The organisation’s campaign is in light of the recent Sandy Hook School tragedy in America.

The World Unites In Prayer For Connecticut Shooting

16 Dec

Today, congregations all around the world united in prayer for the massacre at Sandy Hook school in Newton, Connecticut on Friday.

A memorial service has already been held after the horrific killing spree took place that fateful day. A six-year-old British boy, identified in reports as Dylan Hockley was among the 20 children whose lives were taken from them at the school.

Tribute pages have been created on social networking websites such as Facebook and Twitter. Heroines such as Victoria Leigh Soto died after she hid some pupils in a gymnasium and was consequently sprayed with bullets by the murderer.


This Sunday has been a day of reflection and heartfelt sympathy. America is not the only nation suffering, but us also. Our hearts go out to the families of the deceased; the majority of whom were only kids and had their whole lives ahead of them.

Should Guns Be Banned In The US?

14 Dec

Today has been a sad day, not only for the parents and families of the 27 victims massacred at Sandy Hook School in Connecticut, America but for the entire world.

The world was informed earlier on today that 20 young children that attended the school were brutally shot with a gun used by a teacher’s son.

Map showing location of Sandy Hooks School

Map showing location of Sandy Hook School

According to the Washington Post, the killer has been identified as Adam Lanza, only 20 years of age.

The laws on guns in the United States have long been debated and we are now forced to re-question whether laws should be tightened like in Britain, where the possession of a firearm is a serious offence leading to a prison sentence.

Let us all pray for those involved in the day’s horrific events, that they will be granted peace and forgiveness.