Tag Archives: Gay

Controversial Poster Outside New Zealand Church

18 Dec
This controversial poster hangs outside St Matthew-in-the-City Anglican Church (Photo credit: Facebook)

This controversial poster hangs outside St Matthew-in-the-City Anglican Church (Photo credit: www.stmatthews.org.nz )


Outside religious buildings we expect to see posters, banners with verses from the Bible or just even encouraging words.

Displayed outside St Matthew-in-the-City Anglican church in Auckland, New Zealand however, many people were shocked to see a billboard which read: “IT’S CHRISTMAS. TIME FOR JESUS TO COME OUT.”

At first glance you may have thought it was referring to Baby Jesus being born to Mary and Joseph (like the Bible story tells us), but after noticing the rainbow circling the hypothetical baby in this picture, largely associated with the gay community, you would begin to realise otherwise.

According to the church’s website, the billboard was erected for debate.  St Matthews clergymen Rev Glynn Cardy and Rev Clay Nelson say, “This year we invited discussion and debate on the sexual orientation of Jesus.”

The church describes itself as “not quite like any other,” has understandably received a lot of criticism from locals- Christian and non Christian because of this controversial poster.

Scientists Theorise On How People Become Gay

13 Dec
Photo credit: guardian.co.uk

Photo credit: guardian.co.uk

It seems that news on homosexuality have been in headlines a lot recently. Amongst all the views and opinions that have been expressed in the media regarding same sex marriages and even homosexual relationships in general, a new theory has been released to explain why people actually become gay or lesbian in the first place.

Scientists from the United States researching at University of California, Santa Barbara and the University of Tennessee, and also the Swedish Uppsala University are proposing that although homosexuality may not be genetic, there is a notion that it origination is biological.

Organized by the National Institute for Mathematical and Biological Synthesis (NIMBioS), the research was published by the Quarterly Review of Biology.