Tag Archives: 2013

The 2013 Bible Challenge

16 Dec

In Wales, Archbishop Dr. Barry Morgan has empowered Christians to read the whole Bible in 2013 as a New Year’s resolution.

How much of the Bible have you read? How often do you read it? Because of the latest technology, a lot of us have a Bible app downloaded to iPhones or Android handsets.

As impossible as this seems at first thought, it is entirely doable. After all, there are 365 days in a year and 66 books in the Bible (39 in the Old Testament and 27 in the New Testament).

Set yourself a goal for the new year. Dr Morgan suggests taking 20 minutes out of your day to day life to read the Bible. Maybe on your train journey, between classes, when you get bored of studying and need a break or even before bed are good times to read a few pages in the Holy Book. Let us all be encouraged!