Tag Archives: Deceased

The World Unites In Prayer For Connecticut Shooting

16 Dec

Today, congregations all around the world united in prayer for the massacre at Sandy Hook school in Newton, Connecticut on Friday.

A memorial service has already been held after the horrific killing spree took place that fateful day. A six-year-old British boy, identified in reports as Dylan Hockley was among the 20 children whose lives were taken from them at the school.

Tribute pages have been created on social networking websites such as Facebook and Twitter. Heroines such as Victoria Leigh Soto died after she hid some pupils in a gymnasium and was consequently sprayed with bullets by the murderer.


This Sunday has been a day of reflection and heartfelt sympathy. America is not the only nation suffering, but us also. Our hearts go out to the families of the deceased; the majority of whom were only kids and had their whole lives ahead of them.