Tag Archives: Christianity

Christian Doctors Struggle To Keep Their Faith

31 Dec

A Christian doctor has expressed his thoughts about the politics of doctors and Christianity.

The Korean doctor, Yang Chan Kyu, explained why there is difficulty for those in the medical profession to have faith in God.

In an interview with Christian Telegraph, Kyu, also the official representative of the World Christian Doctors Network (WCDN) explained that doctors yearn to believe in Christ, despite of the strain of science theories which reject the idea.

Although it is a struggle, the doctor voiced that: “Doctors are people with their own problems. It is harder for them to believe in God, but it is possible.”

The WCDN attempts to prove healings by gathering information from medical histories, Dr Kyu, a member of Daejeon Manmin Church revealed.

He urged that fellow doctors should have “open minds and be good listeners” in order to try and keep hold of their beliefs.

Concern For Christians Under New Egyptian Constitution

29 Dec

Egypt’s new constitution may bring darker days for our Christian brothers and sisters.

The constitution, widely representative of Islamists in the country has sparked worry in Egypt.

With the Christian community making up around 10 per cent of the Egyptian population, believers of Christ are extremely undermined.

According to Patheos.com, votes from the Christian community were very limited for the two-stage referendum, with as low as 7 per cent of votes cast in some areas.

It was reported that intimidation from the Islamic community- which takes up most of the African country- hindered people of other faiths from voting freely. Christian cities such as Assiut flocked with around 50,000 Egyptians supporting the constitution.

Now, with the approval of the pro-Islamic constitution, concern is rapidly growing for the rights and welfare for minority groups.

Will Christianity Soon Disappear From The Middle East?

24 Dec

A recent report has declared that Christianity is the religion that suffers the most in around the world.

The study, entitled Christianophia describes in length of how the Christian faith is oppressed, and how politicians and media in the Western world have been oblivious to the extent in which this occurs in places such as the Middle East.

Journalist Rupert Shortt, author of the piece reveals figures about the Middle East, stating that over the past century around a half and two-thirds of Christians have been killed or escaped.

Published in a press release by organisation Civitas, “Christianity is in serious danger of being wiped out in its biblical heartlands because of Islamic oppression”.

As cited by the Telegraph, the report claims that Christians are “socially disadvantaged, harassed or actively oppressed for their beliefs”.

David Cameron Delivers An Unexpected Christmas Message

24 Dec

After a long year of debate on topics between the Christian community and the government, Prime Minister David Cameron has given the most faith driven Christmas message the public have ever seen from him.

Cameron, describing Jesus as “the light of all mankind,” made many references to scriptures in the Bible during his speech.

He said, “The Gospel of John tells us that in this man was life, and that His life was the light of all mankind, and that He came with grace, truth and love.”

Commenting on the Prime Minister’s words, the former Archbishop of Canterbury, Lord Carey, mentioned that Mr Cameron should be applauded for having “nailed his colours to the mast”.

It appears our country’s leader has been renewed in faith, after explaining in 2008 in a Guardian interview that his Anglicanism “sort of comes and goes.”

This comes after months of political debate regarding the controversial issues of same-sex marriages in the UK.

American Pastor Persecuted in Iran

22 Dec

It is now three months since American minister Rev. Saeed Abedini was imprisoned without any formal charges in his country of origin, Iran.

According to reports, the 32-year-old was arrested by Iranian forces, who pulled him off a bus, confiscated his passports and warned that Abedini had a penalty for his Christian work in the country.

Rev. Saeed’s family members are under house arrest, and his wife Naghmeh has received anonymous threats claiming she will never see her husband again.

The American Centre of Law and Justice is said to be providing support to the Abedini family in order to get him released.

The pastor converted to Christianity from Islam and is said to have regularly visited family and friends in Iran, as well as carrying out religious work in the Middle Eastern state.