Tag Archives: Religion

Will Christianity Soon Disappear From The Middle East?

24 Dec

A recent report has declared that Christianity is the religion that suffers the most in around the world.

The study, entitled Christianophia describes in length of how the Christian faith is oppressed, and how politicians and media in the Western world have been oblivious to the extent in which this occurs in places such as the Middle East.

Journalist Rupert Shortt, author of the piece reveals figures about the Middle East, stating that over the past century around a half and two-thirds of Christians have been killed or escaped.

Published in a press release by organisation Civitas, “Christianity is in serious danger of being wiped out in its biblical heartlands because of Islamic oppression”.

As cited by the Telegraph, the report claims that Christians are “socially disadvantaged, harassed or actively oppressed for their beliefs”.

The Number of Atheists in The UK Rises, As Christians Fall

15 Dec

It has been revealed in figures from the 2011 Census that the number of people who identify themselves as Atheists has risen by over 6 million.


The number of admitted Christians in England and Wales has fallen dramatically in the past decade by 4 million. According to Religion News Service reports, the figures of self proclaiming Christians stood at 33 million last year.


This alarming news should concern our brothers and sisters in Christ, especially in the UK where there has been such a serious decline.